Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hazy shade of winter

Happy 2007 to everyone! The holiday season is winding down and I'm trying to get all the Christmas decorations put away. I'm thinking of leaving my tree up with it's cute white lights. It's not a real Christmas tree but a topiary thingy in an urn. I don't know how to describe it. Maybe I'll leave it up for a while.
Christmas was good--spent a few days with my stepfamily in that boring small town in SW Oklahoma. My nieces were the best part of Christmas, Harper is 3 1/2 and Marin is 2. Adorable. I made them scrapbooks for Christmas (following their mother's strict orders of no toys). Actually, I started the scrapbooks and gave their Mom the rest of the materials needed to finish them. I got a microwave which I needed/wanted since mine went haywire about a week before xmas. I also got a set of good knives so watch out--I'll cut ya up. Eww...that was morbid, wasn't it?
I had today off of work as part of the national mourning of Pres. Ford. Kind of sad that someone has to die for me to have a day off work, huh? It was also the swearing-in ceremony for my wonderful commissioner, Jim Roth. I just adore Jim and his whole family, who treat me as family. I can't wait to see what other great things he accomplishes.

The next hurdle is class which begins in a few weeks. I haven't bought my books yet but need to so I can do the pre-course assignments. Why do professors do this??

Looking forward to a vacation in Feb, to NY to see the brothers and to show a friend around the city. There's talk of the family going to Disney as well which hey, if someone is paying for it then I'm there! LOL.

Be good.........

1 comment:

Daniel Morse said...

Hey! How's this? I'm a BLOGGER!? Weird huh? maybe I'll have to do a MySpace - well, I'll do the college one - what's it called? Oh, here's my blog:


what do you think? about the blog i meant!