Sunday, February 18, 2007

Deeply relational

I have started attending a new church, and when I say "new church," I mean it's brand new! The first gathering was last weekend and I went, really not expecting much. Can you believe it--for once, I was wrong! I was intrigued by the pastor and his message of BEING church, not just DOING church. From the website: "We started Mars Hill because every church must ask the question: 'What does it look like for us to be the church here and now'?"
Certainly, this is not the first group or church to ask such a question but it's been a long time since I found a congregation really willing to engage in the process and the conversation. I had coffee with the pastor/leader, Ben, this week and we had a great time talking about ministry and the possibilites for outreach and message in Oklahoma City. Ben was surprised to hear of my job in HIV/AIDS and shared that his message (for today) was going to be on that subject-about reaching the marginalized.
So, tonight we discussed some statistics about HIV/AIDS in the world and in our little area of Oklahoma. I think it was quite sobering for the group to hear how many men, women, and children have perished or are living with the disease. This led to Matthew 25: 34-39, the whole i was hungry and you gave me food, naked and you clothed me, stranger and you welcomed me....One of Ben's points was that "the church" spends so much time debating the rights and wrongs of a lot of issues and people who need OUR care and God's love get pushed aside. If Jesus walked among us today, do you think He would love and care for the person with HIV/AIDS? I bet He would. I hope and pray and believe that He would and that He does. As Christians, we are called to be God's hands in this world--so how do we respond to these lofty issues that separate churches? I wanted to stand up and cheer when Ben acknowledged that we are called to be deeply relational with all of God's children. Who does God's heart ache for--God's heart aches for all who are marginalized, those who are hurting, those who believe and those who don't believe. God's heart is big enough for all of us. Is my heart big enough? Is yours?

My new worship space is

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