Monday, September 17, 2007

Catching up

I know, it's been a long time since the last post. I'm going to try and make this a catch-up blog and then do a second blog, reflecting on some happenings in my world.
August was a busy month! After our Young Democrats of America convention I needed some down time. Convention was fabulous (and of course since we won it was even better) but I was so drained. Then, an opportunity came along and I interviewed & accepted a new job. Wow. I gave my two week notice and started my new job on Aug 20th. I am now working for a home health agency doing case management for a program called Advantage Waiver. Though I'm still rather new, I am liking the job and feel this is a good change for me. I did it primarily because there is a lot of flexibility with this position. In several months, when I do my practicums for school, I will need to be able to balance work and internship. It would have been difficult to do at DHS and I knew I would probably be changing jobs soon. Change is hard for me (like it is for a lot of ppl) but overall I feel very comfortable in the new place. Yay for me.
Because of being off for the YDA convention and the potential to switch jobs, I didn't get to attend family vacation this year. I was bummed...but, at least I got to see my brothers and nieces/nephews back in April when Gaila and I went to NY.

School has started back for the semester and I am trying to get motivated to study. The current class is on Generalist Practice and involves quite a bit of paper writing. It's not difficult but keeping up with the reading and assignments is overwhelming at the moment. I'll survive.....ok, on to the 2nd post....

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