Wednesday, February 21, 2007

babies, Lent, and rosaries

Topic One-babies
Seems I'm going to be an Auntie again! It's early, but my brother Doug & his wifey Jean Ann are pg. Yay! This will be #3 for them.

Topic Two: Lent
Lent snuck up on me this year. Was everyone else completely taken aback at how early it is?!? I haven't decided yet what I'm giving up. I was going to give up alcohol but Red Tie Night is coming up and I just CAN'T miss that. :-) I need to do something faith-promoting, like committing to 20 minutes a day of Bible study or whatever. Oh, and I need to call Trina and do my annual "giving you up for Lent" thing. Trina was my Kappa Phi little sister and one year (in college) I was KIDDING when I said I was giving her up for Lent. It kind of stuck and every year I call her to laugh about it.

Topic Three: rosaries
I have been in a rosary making mood lately! I did one for a friend who is converting to Catholicism so she is getting ready to have her first communion and all that jazz. I need to get the rosary in the mail! Anyhoo...I was looking through my beads and realized I had some really beautiful pieces, so I've made about 4 more rosaries in the last week. Indulgences for sale anyone? LOL

I need a vacation. badly. very badly.

1 comment:

Angela said...

i was gonna give up blog for lent, but you see how that went.
