Saturday, February 10, 2007

Completely hetero!

Wow, the world can breathe a collective sigh of relief. It was reported this week that disgraced evangelical minister, Ted Haggard, is now "completely heterosexual." Whew. I know I'm relieved. Apparently Haggard underwent several weeks of intense counseling with some fellow evangelical ministers. I wonder if this included a laying on of hands? Kinky.

News articles like this make me roll my eyes. I mean, come Haggard going to become the new poster boy for Exodus International? And if he is straight, then good for him. If he's gay/bi/whatever, then I still really don't care. Let's look at the rhetoric and nastiness and judgement he has passed on others because they were gay, or liberal, or normal. Jeez.


Chutney said...

Did you hear John Stuart say how they did it?

rae's space said...

No....what did he say? I'm sure it was hilarious!

Chutney said...

Well, you know how when you were little and your dad caught you smoking, and he made you smoke a whole carton..?