Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Inner shut down

I spent last weekend in Omaha, NE (yes, Omaha) for a Young Dems meeting. It was a smaller group than normal but that was ok because it was mostly people I like. :-) The bad part was being sick...have had a sinus infection or something for over a week. I finally started on antibiotics on Friday and slowly they are helping. I loaded up with lots o drugs and pushed through the weekend. The highlight was the Saturday night Roast of outgoing president, Chris Gallaway. The people roasting did a great job but NO ONE was safe--we all got blasted in some form or another. I brought poster board and markers and made signs so we could heckle the folks on stage. It was great!! My favorite sign said "NOT FUNNY." It really threw people off. We laughed so hard Saturday night...it was a good time.

This was my last go-round chairing Resolutions. It's been a great appointment for me. During General Session, I presented 5 resolutions, none of them controversial. Then, a member from Texas piped up and freakin ripped me in front of the entire national committee--saying that one of the resolutions wasn't professional and we were being foolish and stupid. I was ticked off, to say the least. After she reamed me, people were like WTF is she talking about?? I spoke to her after the meeting, not so nicely explaining to her the process in which resolutions are written and submitted. I told her if she had a problem with what I was doing then she should have come to the meeting and brought up the issue there. She was all like, oh--I didn't know. Bull. She said she wasn't trying to be critical or anything....uh huh, so that's why she took snotty & condescending tone and attacked ME in front of the national committee? Yeah. Let's see how far that gets her.
Ok...enough raving.

So even though I was soooo sick during the weekend I pushed through it and managed to attend all my meetings. I got home Sunday night and crashed. My body shut down! I slept close to 20 hours on Monday and most of Tuesday as well. I got up to take drugs and drink water and that's about it. I hope to go to work tomorrow because I have major catching up to do.

Matti and I are going back to bed (that's my cat....)

1 comment:

mandyc said...

Ok, I know you're not just sitting around all this time - what else has gone on since Omaha?! Need inspiration for a blog entry? You've just been tagged (again)!
You can read my entry on my blog, but the game is that you list 8 random facts about yourself and then tag 8 other people. Have fun!