Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I was tagged by Mandy recently but I'm so behind on my blogging that I'm just now catching up. Sorry! Ok, 8 (or is it 10?) random things about me......
1. I seem to have an addiction to ketchup right now. Like, I don't put it on everything, but when I have it...I use a ton of it. (I know, Trouble is throwing up at the thought of ketchup)

2. I once got to spend a day with Wilma Mankiller, former Chief of the Cherokee Nation. We took a picture at the end of the day and when I saw it I freaked--she and I look SOO much alike. It's my Cherokee heritage.

3. I am slightly obsessive compulsive, especially when it comes to the feel and texture of certain things. I am constantly putting lotion on my hands because I can't stand the feel of dry skin.

4. I absolutely love to vacuum. I really do.

5. I make Rosaries...the prayer bead chains. I am a devout sayer of the Rosary though I am not Catholic.

6. I will not eat iceberg lettuce.

7. I often throw pennies away because they are an annoying piece of currency.

8. oh my goodness I can't think of a last random fact....sorry.


mandyc said...

Well, thank you for playing and getting back into the blogging world. :) I can't believe that you couldn't think of an 8th random fact, but 7 is better than none. How are you? Aside from the ketchup thing (which makes me sick to my stomach), are you well?

Unknown said...

Miss Kennedy and I are big fans of ketchup. And we will put it on almost everything. I highly recommend the .99cent package of a dozen rolls with butter and ketchup. Sounds gross I know but just try it and you'll thank me later. Kennedy is a big fan of ketchup and chicken (fingers, grilled, baked, any form of chicken really). I'll admit fingers and ketchup - good; grilled and ketchup - bad.

Unknown said...

Look I posted a comment - someone really is reading your blog. Except your back ground hurts my eyes - could you change that for me. - Thanks!

Unknown said...

p.s. Hi Mandy! (I used you to talk to Mandy - how does that make you feel?)

Unknown said...

Maybe I'll just keep posting comments here to make you feel special. As if we didn't already know you were weird and you had to blog about it.

Unknown said...

And by the way, you could only post seven facts when the assignment was eight. Is that how you really want us to think of you . . . Miss Under Acheiver who only does enough to earn a "B" in thier social work class and justifies it by suggesting that the completion of the degree (aka the 'paper') is all that the employer really cares about.

Unknown said...

What if, Miss U.A. (Under Achiever) you were to take this attitude with a client. I'm sorry you're dyeing but I can only get you enough medicine to live through the end of the year. Past that your on your own. . . Will that be ok?

Unknown said...

My mother's Indian name was 'Karen Barefoot.' She's not Indian but we called her that for three years anyway.

Unknown said...

"Oh Christ. Is there a support group I can join to help me come to terms with my own homophobia"

Unknown said...

Be warned - Julie joined Facebook. Will have to hide our secret love for each other in some other way!

Unknown said...

I've managed to kill 19 minutes at work writing messages on your blog. It must be because I am one of those 'seminary folks who doesn't understand the real meaning of work.'

Unknown said...

21 minutes now . . . and counting

Unknown said...

Look! It's lunch time. Gotta go.