Thursday, June 28, 2007


I hope this font is hurting Shane's eyes. It's supposed to. He complained and complained tonight about the background on my HURTS his eyes. Oh please. :-) Shane and wifey Julie are counting down the days until baby #3 arrives. They are being mean and won't tell anyone the name. So, I have decided to call him (the baby) Micah. I don't care if it's not his name, that's what I'm calling him. Ok kids, I have nothing witty or fun to say tonight because i'm really sleepy. Goodnight and goodnight.


Unknown said...

It's not the font - it's the hazy background! Can you not amuse your one and only loyal reader? You may as well rename this blog Rae's Space for Shane to post random comments.

rae's space said...

Honestly Shane, I can't remember how to change the background. You figure that out and I will CONSIDER your request.

Unknown said...

Um, I'll have to look into that . . . cause a, the only reason why I have a blog spot on this site is so I can post comments to you.

Unknown said...

It was going to be Micah but now I'm considering Frito Lay . . .