Monday, February 27, 2006

Statistics update...

Just got home from Statistics class....that B i got on my test...turns out it's a HIGH 87! Yay for me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

One down

My first Statistics exam was Monday and I actually passed!! Woo hoo! I got a B which I am extremely happy with. Now I just have to learn all the stuff that I missed so I don't get behind.

Was in Philadelphia over the weekend for a Young Dems meeting. I have SO much fun at these events. We work all day, socialize half the night, and do it all over again the next day. It's a wonder I come away from those things with any brain cells. Thankfully, I can usually sleep on the airplane so I'm not completely exhausted by the time I get home. I really had to behave this weekend because I had to study for my exam. Talk about dedication!!

After I took my test and found out my grade, I called my friend Chris in Tennessee to relay the good news. He said there's something to be learned from all this....Of course, stupid me had to inquire as to what that was....He said, "that I'm always right. I told you that you would do well and you did. So, I'm always right." Jeez. Men. lol.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Gimmie gimmie gimmie

Happy Valentine's Day. Stupid holiday. lol.

Tonight I put in the mail an application for a job I really really want. I mean, I really really really want this job. It's as the Associate General Secretary of the NE Jurisdiction, within the United Methodist Commission on Religion & Race. How's that for a title? The Associate Secretary oversees projects on religion and race, anti-racism, etc, for the NE states. How amazing would that be?!?! It's based out of Washington, D.C. but travel is a big requirement. Have I mentioned that I really want this position??
I knew I had to apply for this. I may not even get an interview, but if I didn't apply I knew I would regret it. I still have my plans to start school in the fall but if I were to get this position school could be put on hold for a few years.

I'm such a princess....I want to call up this office and tell them to go ahead and hire me now. I don't like to wait, I don't like to be told no. I KNOW I'm right for this job.

We'll see......I won't know anything for a couple of months.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Today, February 13, 2006, is the anniversary of when my father died. With this anniversary, Dad has been gone from my life longer than he was in it. Strange.
But, I choose to remember the good because the past is the past and there's no changing it. He was my father, I loved him, and I love him still.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What went wrong?

Sometimes I think news reporters aren't the brightest bears in the woods. I know they are supposed to sensationalize stories and use dramatics to pull in viewers. But, it gets a little ridiculous at times. Case in point: today, February 12th, our wonderful Vice President Dick Cheney accidently shot a fellow hunter while gaming for quail. A reporter on our local ABC station excitedly reported, "Dick Cheney accidently shot a friend on a hunting trip today in Texas. What went wrong?" Um, he SHOT the old guy standing BEHIND him. THAT'S what went wrong. I'm sorry, but isn't Cheney supposed to have a heart condition? That shouldn't affect his eyesight, right? So tell me how a 78 year old white guy looks like a covey of quail?? I don't get it.
I'm glad the dude is ok but if it were me I'd be holding this over Cheney's head for a long time. Maybe send him postcards with pictures of all the quail that are native to the U.S. Or comparison shots....the flying thing is a BIRD, the walking thing with a gun, glasses, cellphone, and hair is a MAN.

I'm enjoying this too much, aren't I?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Slip of the tongue

I was in a board meeting tonight for the Cimarron Alliance Foundation. We were briefly discussing the cost of bringing in big name/celebrity speakers, like for a lecture series or fundraiser. One person suggested/named was former Sec of State, Madeline Albright. It was noted that her speaking price was probably at least $50,000, to which one board member loudly exclaimed, "Jesus Christ!" I immediately turned to that board member and said, "yeah, we can probably get him for less."

Everyone burst into laughter and I realized that I had actually said my comment outloud, instead of in my head with all the other evil thoughts.

Chutney has taught me well (