Monday, October 30, 2006

just another manic monday

It's like, 10:47 in the evening i should be in bed. i'm on the verge of getting sick (congestion in my chest) so I'm downing Mucinex and have the bottle of nasal spray standing by. I don't have TIME to be sick. doesn't my body realize it's election time??!! plus, my next class starts on Friday and i still have a couple of chapters left to read.
I know i sound like i'm complaining but i'm really not. i'm just a little stressy.....

Did i blog about my new hobby?? I don't think i did....I've taken up knitting. yes, i'm a nerd (but you probably already knew that). i bought this thing that is like knitting-for-cheaters and it is so easy and so fun. in fact, i got two more people started doing it. every female in the family is getting a scarf for christmas!!! lol. i freakin love doing this.

sorry for the short and boring post but i feel like blah and need to go to bed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 update!!

Because I'm tired of hearing some of you's an update to my blog!! Lol. I was talking to my friend Shane last night and he's like--what's the deal with not posting lately?? Now, Shane has a nice, cushy little job at a seminary and he doesn't do much all day long. His idea of work is making his own coffee. Then, when he leaves work, he drives in his posh car, to his posh house, and plays with his adorable children. You know Shane....SOME of us have real work and real lives.

If you aren't laughing then you should be. I am chock full of sarcasm. And no, Shane has NONE of those posh things. Well, the part about the adorable children is true.

I have been a bad blogger lately and not updating. Between work, school, and campaign I have just been too tired. My cat barely recognizes me anymore. Pitiful, isn't it?

I did get to see my dear friend Emily last week. She was in town for a family funeral. It was one of those fly-in/fly-out trips so I only got to spend about 15 minutes with her but it made me SO happy to see her. I miss my OCU pals.

I think I am church shopping again. My current house o worship is too 40 in worship, and i need more community than that. i went to a presby church last weekend and not sure where i'm going this wknd. It is so hard to be a liberal, Democratic, feminist, deeply religious person in Oklahoma. Actually, it's probably hard to be those things anywhere. Maybe i should start my own church so then worship would be what I want & think it should be. Hmmmm..

That's the update. Live with it.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day is done

The weekend simply flew by and I am exhausted. I started Saturday morning early at the campaign ( We sent people out to do lit drops and then Brent and I set up a Roth booth at a local festival. We sat out there from 11:30 till 5 and I was SOOO hot and tired by the time it was over. Sunday was the Oklahoma City AIDS Walk so my co-worker David & I set up a booth for our agency. The turnout for the walk was great this year and we had a lot of fun visiting with folks. I managed to get a little sun and my forehead is pink now. October and I am getting sunburned. Weird. I haven't done much since I got home but plan to get to bed early so I have the energy to make it through Monday. I have the feeling this week is going to be busy.