Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is there a "better" way?

Deaconess Girl raised an interesting thought with me in a comment she left recently. I had blogged about the anniversary of my Mom's death. While I miss my Mom, I feel relatively at peace with her passing. But, I had time to prepare for her death. She had cancer and we didn't know how long she would live. But, she was very determined to keep her life fulfilled and meaningful and I spent a lot of time with her over that year or so. I have no regrets--there was nothing left unsaid or undone in our relationship. I just miss her.

When my friend Deaconess Girl lost her father, it was abruptly--in a tragic accident. I have never experienced loss of a loved one in that manner so I don't have any frame of reference. I think the shock alone would be overwhelming but to then have to deal with personal and communal grief....wow.

All that being said, I don't think there is a "better" way to go. While I got to have time with my Mom, we also saw her go through pain and not-so-pleasant procedures. Those memories are powerful and painful for me.

I think it would be arrogant of me to say one way is better than another because no one experiences loss the same. Grief is a very individual process and no one, but yourself, knows how you truly feel.

I guess what I'm trying to say is it's ok to feel how you feel. And to Deaconess Girl and all my other friends who have experienced loss, that's why we have each other--for support and for care.

Love to all--

Monday, August 28, 2006

Beware of kangaroo

Today in Oklahoma City, a kangaroo was spotted hopping around the area of NW 229 & Council. Our local paper, the Oklahoman, had a copy of the 911 call on their website. The man calling in prefaced his report with "I'm sane, I'm not crazy, but there's a kangaroo in my street." I laughed so hard! Actually, the 911 operator did too. Three sherrif's deputies followed the kangaroo until its owner was able to capture it.

How awesome would it be to be sitting outside, enjoying your morning coffee, and see a kangaroo hop by? I'd be checking my drink to make sure I was having coffee, but I would probably run for my camera.

Just another Monday in Oklahoma City.......

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Remembering Mom...

Today, August 22nd, is the anniversary of when my Mom died. It's been 5 years and I have mixed emotions. I miss her, that's a given. There's been so much I've wanted to tell her and share with her. I miss her touch, her smile, the clickety-clack of her heels, her singing. But, I am at peace with her passing. There was nothing left undone those many years ago. I just miss her. I was the only one with Mom when she died and that's a powerful memory I will always take with me.

Tonight, I am having friends over for potluck and for games. I decided that I wanted to spend the evening with friends, who are my extended family.

Love you Mom.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What happens in Chicago....

I had a most fabulous time in Chicago, hanging out with my Young Democrats friends and having a little vacation. I went early so my OCU pal, Shane, and I could hang out and catch up. We spent a day at the Shedd Aquarium and it was great. Don't spend the extra $ for the SpongeBob movie....it's not worth it. The penguins and sea turtles are the best. Shane and I also went to The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant. I managed not to drop fondue on me so the experience was a success.

This wasn't a regular YD national conference. There was training going on and the DNC was meeting, so I kind of floated around between activities. For the most part, I hung out with friends. I have to say that this was one of my favorite YD meetings in a long time. I adore these YD people---we are like minded, we have lots to talk about, and we just all have a general respect and appreciation for one another. It was so great to laugh.

I have today and Tuesday off then back to work on Wednesday. Classes start Friday so this is the end of free time for me. Wish Jodie and I luck as we scramble to finish our assignment that's due first day. Ack!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sensational sin

One of the local mega churches, LifeChurch, has a new crusade going. Around town, there are bumper stickers and signs popping up saying "I've got a secret" with a web address of www.mysecret.tv

I decided to check it out yesterday and was thoroughly disgusted by what I found. Turns out that this website is a place where people can publicly confess their sins (housed under a variety of topics) and voyeurs can read those stories. There is something that says this material isn't appropriate for people under 18, but there's no safeguard to prevent any 'ol user from clicking in. I don't know if the posts are edited before going up on the board, but believe me--there are stories/sins posted that you don't want children to read.

Our state newspaper, the Daily Oklahoman, ran a story on this so I'm sure millions of people are flocking to the site. I just think this is irresponsible use of religion--to post "sin" online for the world to see, instead of making it a matter between a person and God.

Another issue I have are the categories of sin and what is/is not a sin. I think it's safe to say that my understanding of sin is different than what LifeChurch would preach, but hey.....

I've thought about posting on the site just to see what happens but I also don't want to encourage use of that outlet. What do you think I should do?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

People are uptight

I have this very dear friend, he posts here sometimes as "Friendly Bunny." Believe me, you don't want to know UN-Friendly Bunny. :-)

Anyhoo...FB is a huge proponent of the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster and I decided to do a blog in honor of his beliefs! Personally, I'm a supporter and believer in the Flying Spagetti Monster but so far I have not been able to capture the FSM on film. I don't know that I believe ALL that the FSM spouts, but I know I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage and believe me, my life has been so much better ever since.

When I have a child, she will be raised in the knowledge of evolution, creationism, and monsterism, so she will be well-rounded and have ALL the facts.

I hope you will visit the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster at www.venganza.org and learn how Pastafarian is sweeping the world.

(Love ya Aaron)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Boomer Sooner Blah

At the end of this month I am starting classes in the Masters of Social Work program at the University of Oklahoma. OU offers the only MSW in the state so I had no choice but to become a Sooner.
See, I live in Oklahoma--where football is religion and the pigskin is God. Personally, I could care less. I like football and I don't mind watching it, but I don't go to games or get all caught up in the hoopla.
Well, I had figured up what my first semester (2 classes) would cost me and was ok. Today I find out that since I'm in some Advanced Program or something, the cost is HIGHER. Yeah. So, tack another $600 or so to what I anticipated. Not happy. At all. Money is wayyyyy tight in my world right now.
I think the part that irritates me most is that there was never anything said about this program being more expensive than standard tuition so how the heck are we supposed to prepare???

In the past couple of days, two OU football players got busted for apparently being ghost employees of a car dealership, which I guess is against NCAA rules. The players got booted from the football team and people are threatening the stupid car dealership! There have been all these commercials from the dealership pleading for the public to keep shopping at their place and that the OLD ownership is responsible for what happened. Actually, the 2 football players are responsible because they knowingly broke the rules. To their credit, the players and the coach (Bob Stoops) have not layed blame anywhere. The situation was handled appropriately but still--isn't there something more pressing happening in the world than 2 kids who got kickbacks from a car dealership?
Apparently not, since this is what I'm blogging about.

Send tuition money to Princess Rachel, Oklahoma City. Thanks.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Today we remember...

Today, August 3rd, would have been my father's birthday. He died a long time ago but I always try to honor & remember him on the days of his birth and of his death. Let's see, I guess he would have been 72 today. Happy birthday Dad.

In other news.............
Tonight is our Roth for Commissioner volunteer's meeting. I'm hoping we have a good crowd. Jim has a film crew following him this week so we want a good showing. Of course, we usually have about 50-70 folks at our meetings, which is tremendous, but we especially need that tonight! I tell you, I've never been more proud of a candidate than I am of him.
Oh yeah, our website is www.roth4commissioner.com
Check us out!