Sunday, August 06, 2006

People are uptight

I have this very dear friend, he posts here sometimes as "Friendly Bunny." Believe me, you don't want to know UN-Friendly Bunny. :-)

Anyhoo...FB is a huge proponent of the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster and I decided to do a blog in honor of his beliefs! Personally, I'm a supporter and believer in the Flying Spagetti Monster but so far I have not been able to capture the FSM on film. I don't know that I believe ALL that the FSM spouts, but I know I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage and believe me, my life has been so much better ever since.

When I have a child, she will be raised in the knowledge of evolution, creationism, and monsterism, so she will be well-rounded and have ALL the facts.

I hope you will visit the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster at and learn how Pastafarian is sweeping the world.

(Love ya Aaron)


rae's space said...

I failed to mention that with my title of "people are uptight" I was referring to all the religious right wingers who bash the Flying Spagetti Monster. And, those who are die-hard Creationism AND the die-hard Evolutionists--same stuff. Get over yourselves.

AE said...

Awwww! That was so sweet! I might cry if I was capable of human emotions. Besides, you can't catch the FSM on tape: he's invisible. You know, like the Easter Bunny. Or vampires. Or a viable Democratic presidential candidate. Wait, one of them doesn't have a soul, one of them delivers eggs, and the other one just doesn't exist. I always get them confused...