Monday, August 28, 2006

Beware of kangaroo

Today in Oklahoma City, a kangaroo was spotted hopping around the area of NW 229 & Council. Our local paper, the Oklahoman, had a copy of the 911 call on their website. The man calling in prefaced his report with "I'm sane, I'm not crazy, but there's a kangaroo in my street." I laughed so hard! Actually, the 911 operator did too. Three sherrif's deputies followed the kangaroo until its owner was able to capture it.

How awesome would it be to be sitting outside, enjoying your morning coffee, and see a kangaroo hop by? I'd be checking my drink to make sure I was having coffee, but I would probably run for my camera.

Just another Monday in Oklahoma City.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One time in high school (one time in band camp) I was having breakfast at the table before going to school I looked out in our front yard and there was a milk cow - not near as exciting as a kangaroo - but nevertheless it was still rather unexpected.