Saturday, January 08, 2005

I learned something today...

Now, I'm a firm believer that learning is a life long process. We should always be challenging what we know and letting ourselves be open to new ways of thought and practice. Here's what I learned today: don't let my friends Pat and Diana pick a movie. We saw the worst film today, White Noise, with Michael Keaton. I hope I'm not violating some sort of trademark laws by naming the film (and if I am I plead ignorance) but folks, it is a really bad movie. I won't give it away in case you WANT to waste your money and go see it but I'd really advise you not to do it. See, anytime I go to the movies with Pat and Diana and a few more of our friends I always end up hating the movie. It's not rebellion because I didn't get to choose--I just think that the Film Gods are not with us when the decision is being made.

I'm pretty much over my cold (if anyone cares) and I'm making a powerful batch of chili for our church chili cook-off tomorrow. No, I will NOT be sneezing into the chili and I'm an excellent hand washer.

Oh, congrats to my brother, Reverend Dan, for being elected Moderator of his Presbytery. Who wudda thunk it? *wink*

that's all for today kids................

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