Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Kuntry Kitty

Again, another blog post about my cat, Aspasia. I have discovered that she has very unusual musical taste. She doesn't like it when I play the radio and she gets all freaky and skittish when I sing. But, she loves when I play the harmonica! I'm not kidding, she really does like it! I found my harmonica last night and was playing a little and she came running from another part of the house. She climbed up on the arm of the chair and put her mouth up to the harmonica, I guess to try and understand what it was. I had put it up for a while and then got it back out late last night and as soon as I started playing she came over and stretched out and nuzzled me. I guess music really does soothe the savage soul.

1 comment:

AE said...

Sweet Lord Jesus. Honey, please get help: we're concerned. Either that, or hurry up and get the tattered caftan and filthy house slippers we discussed the LAST time you dedicated an entire post to your cat. Kisses!