Thursday, May 05, 2005

It helps to know the bartender

Warning: the following entry is rated PG-13 for language and alcohol content.

Tonight we had a Cimarron Alliance Foundation board meeting. I swear I spend my life going to meetings. We are hard at work at this Holocaust Rememberance Exhibit thing (and if I haven't hit you up yet for donations don't worry, I will). The meeting was held at a new member's house, Ryan, and we all oooh'd and ahhh'd over his newly redecorated cute house. I mentioned to Ryan that I was going out later tonight to The Boom (local bar) with a friend and Ryan said he would probably meet me there.
So, Mark*names have been changed to protect the innocent* and I got there about 10:30 and met up with Ryan, who was already extremely intoxicated. Apparently after the meeting was over he and several board members stuck around the house for a while and finished off some wine. Anyhoo---Mark and I haven't really spent time together one on one and while it's hard to talk in a crowded smoky bar, we managed to talk some about upcoming political junk in Oklahoma. I know the owner of The Boom and Mark knows him as well, so we managed to get a couple of free drinks. Yay for free drinks. Love me some cranberry juice and vodka. Yum. Then, Ryan bought a couple shots of tequila (oy vey) and I managed one shot. Knowing that i have to be at work EARLY tomorrow I decided to be a good girl and come home, but man it was great to go out with friends and just have fun. Lots of OCU students were there and I was feeling a little nostalgic at all the fun college memories (or maybe the alcohol was taking effect). So i'm home now, safe and sound and sleepy. There's no place like my bed....there's no place like my bed....there's no place like my bed.
Oh wait, that sounds really dirty. It's not supposed to be. I'm going to sleep now.

1 comment:

AE said...

Oh, so that's where they were shooting the footage for "Lesbians Gone wild". I had been wondering...