Thursday, June 02, 2005

Community of faith

Tonight was the annual Ordination & Commissioning service for the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church. This service is my favorite worship service of the year. We crazy Methodists only ordain clergy members once a year so there's usually 25 or more people going through this process. The service begins with a processional of all the ordinands and the assisting clergy, while the entire sanctuary sings "Lift High the Cross." ...Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaimed, till all the world adore His sacred name. Powerful words--coming to life by the empowering of clergy-to-be to go witness & work in the world. I basically grew up in the Oklahoma Annual Conference and I love going back each year to see friends from college, old pastors, and pastor friends I have worked with over the years. It's also a little sad for me too because had I stayed in seminary and on the clergy track then I would have been ordained a few years ago. I can't help but feel a twinge of regret and longing. Several college friends of mine were ordained this year and I was so proud to stand in solidarity for them as they were being blessed by our Bishop. Congrats to Trina, Patrick, Kyle, Robyn, Charles, and Jack.
I had a sort of flashback/ah-ha moment during the service tonight. I realized that I am at my happiest when I am in church. It is where I am most comfortable, am myself, am connected to everyone & everything, and when I feel most empowered. I like the person I am when I am communing with God. Now, I just have to figure out how to make my day to day life more like that. I'm not like some split personality or anything, but I know that I am a better person when I am in "church" mode and being that better person is something I need to do for myself as well as those around me.

Today was a good day. :-)

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