Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Snow White & The 7 Mood Swings

I wish I were creative enough to have come up with this post title on my own but I didn't. I heard it on VH1 tonight and decided to steal it. I think this is my 100th post so Happy 100 to me!!! Woo hoo.

7 mood swings..........of course, me being the pleasant, loving, gentle soul that I am--I have no mood swings. I am PERFECT all the time. Yes, dammit, I said ALL the FREAKIN time.

If I had to name what triggers my 7 mood swings right now they would include:
7. Sleep deprived grouchiness
6. Frustration
5. Just-Ran-Over-A-Small-Child fantasy
4. Diet Coke withdrawal
3. Republicans (just being near them makes me morph)
2. Aspasia (my first cat)
1. Kitten, otherwise known as Thea.

Let me say a word about the cats.....they are making me nuts. All the do is fight, eat, poop, and repeat the cycle. I never knew two cats could eat that much (which of course explains the massive amounts of poop). It is quite disgusting. No, I won't provide any more details.

Heading down to Dallas on Thursday for a fundraiser on Friday night. It's also OU/Texas weekend which means the whole city is going to be filled with annoying football fans. Then, on Saturday I'm meeting up with friends in Dallas so we can play/party and then go see the musical "Wicked" on Sunday. Good times!

1 comment:

AE said...

Does one of those moods include a whimsy that pushes you into writing blog posts? I mean, Jesus! You know my life is empty when I am trying to live vicariously through yours. I love you. Kisses!