Sunday, January 28, 2007

words to live by

live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.

author: mary anne radmacher

1 comment:

Angela said...

live with intention 'cause the road to hell is paved with good ones.
walk to the edge, try not to push anyone over.
listen hard and you might hear my brainwaves.
practice wellness in moderation with occaisional intoxication in a responsible setting.
play with abandoned property.
laugh at our ignorant world.
choose with no regret, paper or plastic.
continue to learn the hard way.
appreciate your friends' sacrifices.
do what you love within the limits of the law.
live as if this is all there is.

an alernate version, by trouble