Sunday, February 25, 2007


I woke up early on Saturday morning. I was having a dream where there were bugs all over me and it was so vivid that I wasn't completely convinced that it didn't happen. After attempting to sleep with the light on, I finally got up. Lately I've been itching to take a vacation and just get away from everything. So, BRILLIANT me decided to take a road trip. I threw some clothes in a bag, grabbed some cd's, and headed out the door. I got on I-40 east and headed to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. It was a pretty decent day out, windy, but the wind was behind me. I had a good drive--windows down, blasting music, singing, and talking to myself. I stopped at an Arkansas visitor's center and picked up brochures on Ft. Smith and Van Buren. I figured I would stay the night and have a leisurely day driving home on Sunday.
Finally about 3:30 I realized I needed to eat lunch so I pulled into a TGIFriday's in Ft. Smith. Now, I realize that I can have Friday's almost anywhere, but I don't trust unknown restaurants in strange cities. I've been to Ft. Smith a few times but I don't know much about the city. After eating, I was really tired and figured I had been in the car long enough. I went to a local hotel to check in and they didn't have a room. I called a few places, no one had rooms. So, what the heck, I got back in the car and drove BACK to Oklahoma City. Stupid. The wind had picked up and it was a huge dust & dirt storm. I was driving against 40-45 mph wind the whole way home. Not one of my brightest moments. I stopped at a few rest stops to walk around and whatever but it was too damn windy to sit outside.
Despite the hard drive home, I had a good day. It was kind of fun to be spontaneous. This might sound weird--but it was good to spend time with myself. I needed some clarity and I found it. Well, at least a little.

Next time I'll take a tent and just go camping.

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