Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Blushing Bride

Congratulations to Jan & Stewart, who married Saturday in Oklahoma City. Jan and I are dear friends, soul sisters in a way, dating back to school & church in Walters. She is what many would describe as the All-American Girl. She's beautiful, I mean physically beautiful, highly intelligent, talented, and incredibly nice. All around, she's good people. My opinion is that men have often been intimidated by her good looks and personality and it's taken her a long time to find that right person. Thank goodness she found him! The wedding was my first time to meet Stewart but I can tell that they are right together. I have never seen her happier.
As I was getting ready for the wedding, I had a moment where I suddenly choked up and cried. I cried because I was so happy for my friend, but I cried for other reasons too. When Jan was in 10th grade, her father unexpectedly died. It was such a blow to her and her family. My mother sang at her dad's funeral. I watched Jan struggle and cope through that loss. A few years later, when I was a sophomore, my father died. Jan helped me through all of that. Those loses made us stronger as friends because we could relate as no one else could. I don't think I would have made it through high school without Jan. Our families have always been connected and if my mother had still been alive, she would have sung The Lord's Prayer at Jan's wedding, I just know it. So, I cried because Jan has found the love of her life, I cried because I am so happy my friend is secure, and I cried for our parents, who brought us together. Don't get me wrong, it was a very very happy day for everyone and the wedding was so elegant and beautiful. I am so thrilled for these two incredible people. God bless Jan and Stewart.

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