Saturday, March 10, 2007


I don't remember who coined the "honesty is the best policy phrase" but I wonder how true it really is? Several weeks ago a friend was not honest in recalling a conversation between the two of us and the result has been stressful, to say the least. i was honest, my friend wasn't, yet i was made to look like the bad guy. At least i know the truth and my role in being truthful. You know...sometimes being honest surprises people. Last week I stopped at 7-11 to pick up a bottle of water and a newspaper. when i got in my car and drove to my destination, about 15 blocks away, i realized i had accidently picked up 2 newspapers instead of 1. so, i drove back to 7-11 and gave them back the extra newspaper. i walked in, told the clerk i accidently picked up two. The clerk just stared at me and said "oh. Wow. ok." I didn't think twice about taking back the extra paper--I had only paid for one. Duh. It's a no-brainer for me. Maybe it was just a newspaper but it wasn't mine. I don't know...maybe I am some freak of nature. I always strive to be honest and truthful and trustworthy. Why doesn't everyone else? No, I'm not perfect in my efforts, but at least I try.

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