Monday, March 19, 2007

Catching up

I was kiddingly chastised by a friend the other day--she says I don't blog enough for her. Hmm...maybe if people posted comments and engaged in DI A LOGUE I would blog more. So there. LOL.

I can't even begin to tell you all how crazy my world has been lately. Everything is fine, just chaotic. Started back on another class and it's intense. I like the professor and I am really learning. I had heard not so great things about her, but I think people just didn't understand her dry humor. Anyhoo, I like her and I guess that's all that matters.
March is my busiest month of the year as we have to re-certify most of our clients for a federal drug assistance program. So, I have to run around seeing three million clients and filling out paperwork and doing verifications of income. It's nuts! On top of all that, we have had meetings and conferences that take allllllll day, which only takes away from time with the clients. Every March is like this and I have come to dread it. Cimarron Alliance is also consuming a lot more time than I'd like. Don't get me started on Cimarron, I'm not sure how I feel about being a board member right now. The women of the board, all 4 of us, feel fairly disconnected, unheard, unheeded, unappreciated, and disrespected. I can't speak for the other women, but we have had a lot of conversations about how to seek reform. I'm not sure it's possible.

I am still without a cat. I do miss my Aspasia and miss her keeping me company. I have been scouring the shelters and pet stores for the right cat but so far I haven't found him/her. The search continues...

I am hoping to get to NY in April. I want to see the family and I promised my goofy co-worker that we would go. It's soooo much fun to explore NY as a tourist. If anything, getting out of town for a few days would do wonders for my soul.

Alright, back to campaign work. It never ends......

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