Thursday, March 29, 2007

Young Dems

Did you folks know I'm involved in politics? No, you didn't?? Well, let me tell you..........LOL
For years I have been a part of the Young Democrats of America. It is probably the best organization I have EVER been a part of. I have gained & learned leadership, developed a sense of political savvy, made some amazing friends, and fueled my own political fires. I have served in a lot of leadership roles in the group, my proudest being the Vice President of Programs a few years ago. But right now, I'm involved in my biggest project: electing David Hardt for President of the Young Democrats of America! (This is where you applaud). David is from Dallas and is a dynamic, hard working person. He asked me to be his campaign manager and it's a task I was honored to take. My role is to help coordinate his campaign, advise him on matters, spread the message of his leadership, and grow his support throughout the nation. In addition, David's team of officers get a lot of help and support from me as well. The website is
Come visit the website and meet this rising star of the Democratic Party. I am SO proud to be working with him and can't wait to see what YDA accomplishes with his leadership.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new position friend!
