Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Let It Be Said

Let It Be Said…..

I was listening to something on the radio today and I heard these words, “Let it be said.” It immediately got me thinking about how words impact and describe a person or a situation.
In the end of the movie And The Band Played On, various clips and pictures are shown on people who have died from AIDS. I don’t remember the man’s name, but one gentleman is shown testifying before Congress on the need for AIDS funding and research. Then, it shows his panel on the AIDS Memorial Quilt which reads “Do not let my epitaph read that I died of red tape.” I get chills every time I recall that image. Let it be said that still in 2007, the red tape constricts and restricts AIDS funding around the world.

I recently learned of a domestic violence situation. The woman being abused is scared, isolated, lonely, and did I mentioned scared? Granted, I just have her side of the story and certainly there may be more to it than meets the eye. Yet, Let it be said that there is no excuse for violence.

Years ago I was a volunteer/team leader for a group of people who provided a “care team” for a person living with AIDS. At one of our team leader meetings, the staff person had us write our own obituary. This was meant for us to get a sense of some of the challenges and emotional activities that face our clients. It was very hard for me to write mine. I was maybe 21 years old, about to graduate college, and had no idea where I was going to end up in a few months. My life was just beginning and I had to write about how it might end. What would my epitaph read? Let it be said that I was a good person, compassionate and loving, that I gave freely to others. Let it be said that I was a good daughter, aunt, sister, friend, and Christian. Let it be said that people were proud to know me.

Words ARE powerful. Actions are powerful as well, especially when the two combine. I have knowledge and power, influence and insight….how do I utilize all these things to make a difference? Let it be said that my life impacted someone, somewhere.

So I ask you, what do you say in response to “Let it be said…”?

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