Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Family Table

Quite an interesting observation tonight....after work I stopped off at Sam's Club to pick up mass quantities of deli meat, celery, and a few other items. Yes, it's probably easier to go to the grocery store and get these things but I love roaming around Sam's. But, I digress....after I checked out I went to get a soda and noticed several people, customers, sitting at the little tables & benches. Once I clued in, I saw that at least three of these tables were occupied by families all having a dinner of Sam's snack bar food. This struck me as tremendously odd. I mean, there they were surrounded by their recent purchases and they are having a family moment at the steel picnic tables.
I certainly wasn't raised in the all-American, conventional family (but then again, was anyone?), but my parents tried to hold family-around-the-table-dinner as often as possible. We set the table, sat together, prayed, and devoured. Mom was always asking questions about school, dragging out the dictionary to look up words....My stepdad would turn on CNN and blare the news of the day or make me watch Moneyline (with Lou Dobbs). I guess I'm not trying to pass judgement on the families who eat their dinner at Sam's Club, but come on, doesn't that seem strange to anyone else? I don't know why this bothers me so much.

Oh yeah, you want a senseless topic that will really get me going? Ask me about milk trucks and how I feel about seeing them on the highway.

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