Sunday, July 15, 2007


This is not a commentary on the Catholic Church priest abuse scandals....but, tonight i was reading a story in the New York Times on the recent 600 million settlement in Louisiana. One of the cardinals or bishops was quoted as saying they hoped this (settlement) would bring about a final resolution. I just don't understand how money will truly bring resolution??! I hear people saying how much they want to win the lottery, that it will make things so much better for them. does not buy happiness. Money will not erase memories, scars, etc for survivors. It's a similar situation with the death penalty. Taking one life doesn't bring back the one that's already gone. This "eye for an eye" business is really over-rated.
So, what MIGHT bring resolution to a person? How about forgiveness? Reconciliation? Prayer? Faith? Hope? Love?
Those are all simple actions that bring forth a great response.
Let's resolve to be gentler to one another, to speak softer words, show a little more love, and give a lot more of ourselves.

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