Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A funny thing happened..

We had an amusing moment at work today. Once a month, my three co-workers and I meet with our supervisor to staff cases, discuss issues, whatever...We meet in the morning, have lunch, then do our monthly individual conferences in the afternoon. So, while at lunch we're gabbing and my co-worker Gaila pulls out some coins and is looking at the quarters. She hands a quarter to our supervisor and says "did you see the new Washington?" Supervisor is peering intently at the coin and says "yup, that's him." Gaila immediately blurts out TURN IT OVER GOOFBALL. After a slight pause, we all cracked up because hearing Gaila call the supervisor a goofball was SOOO funny. Of course, what Gaila was trying to do was call the attention to the picturesque scene of Washington STATE on the back of the coin, not Washington the President. We giggled for a long time about that one. Definitely one of the funniest moments I've experienced in a while. Gaila was horrified that she was going to get in trouble but thankfully our supervisor has a sense of humor. She found it funny! Way to go, Gaila! We knew there was a smart ass in you!

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