Friday, April 20, 2007

I've been tagged

Amanda Lucia got me....Yes, I was tagged. This means I get to write a blog posting answering the following:
Six things that make me weird..........Only 6?? Here goes. Number One--My blog program doesn't allow me to hit "enter" to start things on a new line, which is why my sentences and paragraphs tend to all run together. Don't ask why, I don't know why. It just hates me. Number Two: I can't stand the sight of milk trucks. Like, the big semi-rigs going down the highway with "refrigerated" tanks on the back, filled with milk. GROSSES me out more than just about anything. I will only buy milk that comes straight from a dairy farm where they bottle it themselves. Number Three: I am fascinated with studying the Latter Day Saints (AKA Mormons). I read a lot of Mormon history and church related news/articles. Number Four: I think lemon slices in glasses of water is disgusting. I don't know who invented citrus fruit in water but I hate it. I will send the glass of water back. Number Five: I collect tacky Jesus magnets. My favorite is "I found Jesus, He was behind the sofa the whole time!" Number Six: I am mildly obsessive compulsive, mostly when it comes to the texture and feel of things. Like, if I touch the inside of my palm with my finger, I have to touch the other palm in the same manner. Sometimes I can't touch notebook paper because of how it feels. I have to put on lotion before I touch the paper. Yeah, I'm weird, you can go ahead and say it. Ok, so there it is...I was tagged. Thanks, Mandy! Happy almost graduation sweetie!!!


mandyc said...

YAY!! Thanks for playing along and sharing some of your quirks with the world. :) I would have to agree with you on the citrus in water thing - I don't get it either. I don't always send it back though - I usually just pull out the (usually) lemon and give it to Trouble.

Big Unit said...

I too am facinated w/ mormons. I like "Under the banner of heaven". Have you read it?

revhipchick said...

i love that jc magnet! what a fun collection to have!

kelly f said...

Wow, you ARE weird! I'm thankful I don't have any quirks like that.

