Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Hey folks, it's been a few weeks since my last post. I had to get a final paper done for my class then enjoyed a few days of down time. I spent last week in New York visiting my family and showing a friend around NYC. We had a great time (and are thoroughly exhausted). It was SOO good to see my brothers and their families. I needed that.

Anyone remember that saying, "well behaved women rarely make history"? I admit it, I'm a bit of a rebel. I'm outspoken, opinionated, strong willed...somehow, that's a threat to some of the people around me. For the past few years I have served on a local non-profit board. I have always been proud of being a part of this group and I think I did a lot for & with them. However, I didn't agree with the leadership 100% and wasn't willing to be a "Yes" woman. Long story short...last night it was STRONGLY encouraged that I ponder my future with this board and in essence, resign. I did resign, allowing them to save face but also taking a moment to say what I needed to say before cutting the ties. Am I upset? Yes. I have a strong belief in being part of the change I wish to see in the world (another great quote). But, apparently this was not the time or the place to accomplish some of those changes. I wish them well, I really do, and I think in time they will realize exactly how valuable I was. So there. :-)

1 comment:

mandyc said...

WOW. I'm really sorry Rachel - since I think I know which board you're talking about, I know how much the org means to you and I'm sure you had done a lot with and for them. You're a strong person in general and I'm sure that throws people for a loop at times. :) I personally love it! Hope you had a good time in NYC and that we'll get to chat soon!