Friday, March 02, 2007

Hate Crime Allegations Recanted

I'm really basically sad about this whole situation...Back in November/December, there were two alleged hate based attacks in Ada, Oklahoma. Today, the story broke that the second victim/second incident was a hoax, that the alleged victim confessed to making it all up.
I am sad for Sarah, the alleged victim, for whatever is/was happening in her life that she felt this had to happen. I pray she gets the help she needs.

1 comment:

mandyc said...

I hadn't heard about that one, but what a sad story! And I apologize for being a blog slacker lately but I wanted to say hello. I'm glad you've found a new church that excites you - I hope it rejuvenates you and makes you feel more fulfilled with your life. Did you ever decide what you're doing for Lent (other than giving up Trina)? I've joined my other half in the vegetarian thing - although I'm currently craving cheeseburgers like crazy soI doubt this lasts beyond Easter. :)