Monday, June 12, 2006

Donate to Team Chi Chi!

Relay for Life, a project of the American Cancer Society, is a wonderful cause to steer those charitable dollars. This year, my stepsister and her friends are participating in Lawton, Oklahoma's Relay for Life in memory of a very special woman, Shelly Douglass McComber.

Shelly was one of those people you couldn't help but notice. Her smile, her laugh, her southern drawal........Shelly made friends with just about everyone. When she passed in January it broke our hearts because nothing and no one can replace Shelly, aka Chi Chi. Shelly's sister, Stacy, and many of her friends have banded together to walk this year's relay in her honor. Please visit and look up Team Chi Chi. You can donate through the website or mail in your contribution. No one, absolutely no one, should have to go through cancer and it's only that much harder when it affects a beautiful woman who was only 35 years old. My prayers and support go out to Shelly's family and friends who seek to honor her in this walk. I especially pray for my stepsister, Beth, who has modeled strength and spirit during the loss of her very dear friend. Love to all..................................

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