Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Presley drops

No one is going to care about this post but I'm just so ticked off I have to vent. The past three days have been the filing period for office here in Oklahoma. For the past several months there have been a couple of folks running for the 5th District Congress, which is the area I live in. I have been supporting Patricia Presley who I thought was going to really win this thing and finally put a Dem in office. The other person that is running, Bert Smith, is just not electable for reasons I won't go into. So, today, Ms. Presley freakin drops out of the race. I'm angry. Like, people spent a lot of time and money campaigning for her---she was very electable--she would have been a good Rep. And she drops. I would like my donations back. I'm serious. I put my faith and my $$ into a candidate and they drop for I don't know what reason but it wasn't a good one. I know I know...I get ruffled about strange things.

1 comment:

Angela said...

totally reasonable to be pissed about it. contributions should be considered a refundable deposit up until the ballots are out.