Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Not what I signed up for

It was a difficult day, to say the least, at work. NO, this is not a post ragging on my supervisor, or co-workers, or spilling great secrets. (So much has been in the news lately about potential employers going online to see what applicants have said about their current jobs & relationships & lives).
See, my title is AIDS Care Coordinator. That title doesn't tell you a whole lot...I know. But, the basis of my job is helping people access medications, a doctor, make sure they have a place to sleep, eat, blah blah blah. Case managers often are called to do a lot of different things and YES, we all know that. But, at one point today, I sat back and said to myself "this is NOT what I signed up for." I accompanied a client to an inpatient type facility and under the guise of going to smoke a cigarette, he bolted. I wasn't surprised, but, three of us spent nearly 2 hours (each) looking for this dude. I was driving up and down streets, peering through alleys, gazing over vacant lots, trying to find him. It would have been unethical for us to NOT look. But jeez.....when did I become Search & Rescue? We didn't find him. I hope he calls. I tell you, if I could ground people I would. You are grounded for 2 weeks young man! Sigh.

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